
the fragility of life

At times, it strikes me all over again how fragile life really is. Someone can go to work, go on a road trip, plan a future, only to turn around and have it all snatched away by death. A facebook update of "I'm going shopping" becomes the last thing a person writes. In the face of certain death at an uncertain time, our plans mean little and should never be taken for granted.

Last night, I attempted to jot down a series of unpredictable, transient images that (hopefully) leave an impression about the nature of life. Today I strung them together to create a poem of sorts. Not my best work, but it's heartfelt.


It will slide across your eyes like film.
It will brush past your arm like wind.
It will sweeten your tongue like wine.
It will pass like a storm on the move.

It will escape your desire to control.
It will shift beneath you like sand.
It will shatter like a pot of dropped clay.
It will slip through your fingers like water.

You will expect it to bend to your will
But it cannot be compelled or cajoled.
You will spend your days grasping for it
But in the moment of reckoning you cannot make it stay.

Parts of it will slip away
Like water through your fingertips.
It’s breath snatched by the wind.
It’s life.

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