
a season of Lent

For Lent this year, my husband and I agreed to give up television (except for the team Canada hockey games, because you can't miss those!) and facebook (except for 1/2 hour on Sundays just so I can stay connected). Since we both spend way too much time watching tv, and I spend too much time on facebook, this means we have a lot of extra time these days. Which is great - now I more have time to read, make jewellery, exercise, visit and write. At least theoretically. ;)

The original purpose of Lent is to prepare the believer for the death and resurrection of Jesus, and it is characterized by prayer and self-denial, among other things. I think Lent is a great time to refocus and reprioritize and I feel that our choices of what to give up will help us do this.

One of the things I always wish I made more time for is writing, so I thought I should actually start writing in this blog again. Ideally, I'd come back with a bang and write some inspired piece of poetry or something, but I've got nothing. I'm not even feeling creative right now. But I'm writing something, and not watching tv or playing stupid time-wasting games on facebook, so that's worth celebrating. Here's to Lent and a season of reflection and renewal.

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