
The Coming of NaNoWriMo

So the beginning of NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) is just a few short weeks away. Last year I actually succeeded in writing 50,000 words of a novel in the month of November. I'd like to try it again this year, but I have no good ideas. I thought I had the beginning of one, but I'm not convinced it's a worthwhile one. The problem is, I always think that my ideas have been done before. Every potentially compelling idea I have, I'm convinced someone's already written that story and written it better than I ever could. I have to move past that killjoy inner critic and just let an idea take flight. You never know what could come out of it. That's the beauty of NaNo... you don't have time to listen to that critic if you want to complete the challenge. You just have to start with an idea and let the story write itself. I just hope I can come up with the beginning of an idea that I want to spend time developing.


  1. I think you should do it. DO IT. I am sure your idea is perfect and in this world its hard to be completely original, but that doesn't mean that you can't write your own take on things and do things your way. :)

  2. Go Meg go! This year you have to battle mommy brain too hey ;) If your mind/heart/soul/body is calling you to write then you must answer that call. I hope countless ideas and words will flow for you!
